Thursday, February 6, 2014

milestones, markers, & reunions

I've fallen behind on blogging, but I guess that just means I'm busy living :)    The last time I wrote, I was excited about passing by that 18 month milestone.   I was blessed to have family & friends that kept me busy throughout the weekend by making us brunch, going out to eat, and shopping.  I loved this banner that Shannon made for me! (In case you can't read it, it says Happy 18 Months!)

The following Tuesday, when I had my oncology appointment and markers taken,  I had the opportunity to give my oncology center 18 blankets to hand out to patients.  The two of us who started "covered with care" are with the same oncology group, and we had decided to branch out to our centers when we were able to do so.  The center knows our primary goals, but has also been told to feel free to give it to someone who needs it or would benefit from a blanket as well.  Being in the Tampa area, we especially wanted to be able to help those here.  We are excited about being able to expand in this way, and  I will be adding this information to the covered with care page in the next day or so as well.  We are still taking donations of any type of blankets, and there is more information at 

 It was relaxing for me to know that I was doing something for someone else rather than worrying about what the markers would say as I started that appointment.  Thankfully, my markers have continued to decline in the normal range.  I was able to breathe a big sigh of relief until we check them again in 3 months.

I don't understand how it could possibly be my 20th reunion for Florida College because I don't feel old enough for that to be possible. (Well, some days at least!)   Yet, somehow it apparently is!  {For those unfamiliar with FC, it was a 2 year college when I attended, and the reunions are always held during their annual lecture week.} On Saturday night, we had our reunion dinner. It was great to see everyone, and we missed those of you that weren't able to be there!  The group picture is from that night.  On Monday night, I helped host a get together at my parent's, but unfortunately there were no group pictures taken.  

I was blessed to have Carole stay with me for the reunion weekend.  We've gotten extended girl time twice this year; thanks Billy for making that possible!  Now I just have to figure out how to add the many trips to see people that couldn't get down for the reunion or who live in fun/new places to visit to my "living list".