Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Regression is my favorite Christmas present

Had a pet scan on Friday December 6th and got the good news that the cancer in the lymph nodes appears to be gone and the undefined area in the liver is not lighting up as much anymore.  Still there in the liver but better.  So, the most recent SBRT and new chemo regimen seem to be working!   Who could ask for a better Christmas present than that?!?!?!

We will keep going with this chemo and scan again in about 3 months.   The stomach issues on this med continue to be a "fun" time; so, we are trying a few different options to see if we can get those side effects better under control.  Hoping that this 2nd cycle of 1000mg will start to see the counts staying a bit higher.  Would appreciate prayers for that as well!  

My previous post when I was discussing side effects was definitely written before I got the chemo med, and it is interesting how you can "forget" in just a week how it affects you.   For about 24-48 or 72 hours I have that sick headache like you were dealing with a cold or flu, but thankfully, it is only really the headache not all of the other cold/flu symptoms.   Even with that, though, I could be dealing with much worse so am thankful for how it is all going.  It definitely helps in dealing with any of the side effects to know that the chemo is working!

I appreciate your prayers that regression will continue and that the side effects will be as minimal as possible.   Hope that you have a happy holiday season!


  1. So thankful to hear that good news! Your positive attitude is certainly a factor. I’ll bet you laugh a lot, too. Where will your next trip take you? You are amazing! Hugs & prayers! Lucy GB
