I got the results of my tumor markers this morning. My CEA test is down to 7.2, and it had previously been 13.6. The normal range for this test is 2.5 and below. My CA27-29 test is down to 40.9, and it had previously been 66.9. The normal range for this test is 38 and under. This medicine is working and things are still going in the right direction. Or to quote the text that my brother David just sent me "You can almost say you are normal....and you've never been normal!" I will gladly take any sign of things regressing!
Several people asked about my big and short trip lists so I thought I would share a few of the things that are on each. Some of the places on my big trip list may never happen, but it doesn't hurt to dream right? My lists were made as things came into my head rather than in any particular order or importance, and I keep adding things as they come to mind. Most of the places on the short trip list are in Florida, and it has either been a long time since I've gone, I didn't get to spend much time there, or I haven't ever gone to them as I said in the previous blog. If you know of other interesting places in Florida or really anywhere that I should make sure to get to, please let me know :)
Big Trip List --
* New York/ Broadway show trip
*British Isles
*Greek Isles
*Back to Hawaii to see other islands not covered on first trip
*Las Vegas to see Cirque D'Soleil shows
*Grand Cayman
*Australia/ New Zealand
*Paris/Italy -- my parents may be leading a trip in 2015 that will cover this so a big goal is to go on that trip.
*Myrtle Beach/Charleston - I'm planning to go stay in Myrtle Beach for a few nights in one of our timeshares before my yearly North Carolina trip with Jennifer, Mark and the boys. Hopefully, I can work Charleston in on the way up.
Short Trip List
*Key West - this should be getting scratched off over Memorial Day weekend
*Ringling Museum
*Dali Museum
*Kennedy Space Center - this should get scratched off on April 20th
*Mount Dora
*St Augustine
*Panama City / Destin
*Weedon Island Preserve
*Discovery Cove, or somewhere, to swim with dolphins
Sounds wonderful! Let me know when you go swim with dolphins. That's something I always wanted to do!