Friday, August 31, 2012

Yeah for early stage!

Today I saw my surgical oncologist and got as good of news as I could hope for.   There were 2 areas of breast cancer with the largest being at 1.9 cm so just squeaking under the line to be a stage 1. The margins and nodes were both clear which was great. Apparently, there were extensive areas of ductal carcinoma in situ with the largest being 3.6 cm so again I am so grateful for taking care of this when we did.  If that one had become invasive, things could be very different.  They also do a grade to describe how different the cells are from normal cells which for me was high grade/ grade 3.  While this means that the cells were dividing more rapidly, it also may mean that chemotherapy will be more effective on it since chemo tends to target faster dividing cells.  (This is how I've seen and heard it explained at least.)  Hopefully, I'll have an oncology appointment scheduled soon to know more about the chemo side of things.

I look at those numbers above and think about how lucky and grateful I really am that things were caught when they were and that I had a proactive primary care physician and surgical oncologist.  I also have to express again how much I appreciate the cards, thoughts, and prayers.  I've of course had a few "weepy" moments in all of this, but  knowing that I am in the thoughts and prayers of so many does help to keep me strong.  I hope that everyone has a wonderful weekend!


  1. Awesome! Next step, kicking it's butt through Chemo! Still thinking of you often.

  2. So glad to read this today! God takes care of His people. He is faithful!

  3. I am thankful you are doing this blog so I can keep up with your progress while I'm here in Ethiopia. It sounds like good news and grateful to God for that. Will be praying your good progress continues.
    Steve Patton

  4. HI and thanks for posting so we can keep up with your progress. Know there are many people tracking you and sending you good thoughts for every moment of your recovery. Margaret Bailey Newcomb
